Apple dropped the iPhone 15 as part of their new lineup of gadgets in September of this year. While this phone is the newest in the lineup, it all started back in 2007 with the huge success of the original iPhone. Now, tech experts are calling the iPhone 15 the biggest update in three years. It has some cool new features that’ll keep tech enthusiasts entertained.
Some Consider an Older Model the Best
Unfortunately, though, the new iPhone has some serious problems. They include issues like overheating and failing the bend test, which was proven in a viral video. Not everyone’s on board with the new model, and it turns out that there are many who still think the iPhone 4s, which came out in 2011, is the best of the iPhones. Back then, Apple really tried to make the most amazing iPhone ever, with better cameras and a bigger screen.
It is no wonder that in 2023, people still love the iPhone 4s. There’s even a YouTube video by iClassic where they unbox an iPhone 4s and set it up. While it looks ancient compared to the new ones, people couldn’t help but reminisce about the good old times they had with it, with one commenter saying that the 2010-2013 era of Apple was unbeatable.
The iPhone 4s Is Surprisingly Useful
Another commenter thought that the 4s was so superior that he apparently owns over 20 of the devices and uses them as controllers at his parties, where he does game shows and trivia quizzes. He says that they still work just fine for the purpose, and being able to change the battery so easily means he can keep giving them a life that’s better than simply being thrown away.

But he isn’t even the most dedicated fan. There was a guy who uses his iPhone 4s as his main phone to this day! All of this just goes to show that even in the world of high-tech gadgets, sometimes the classics still have their place.