Microwaves have long been the unsung hero of efficient meal preparation, yet it seems that many may not be harnessing their microwave’s full potential. Recent discussions on social media have sparked debates over how this common kitchen appliance should be utilized for optimal results. Let’s delve into the science behind getting the best out of your microwave.
Perfect Positioning for Even Heating
There’s a microwave hack that has been all over social media. The revelation concerns where to place your food inside the appliance. The center of the microwave turntable is not the sweet spot. Instead, nudging your dish off-center could be key to achieving that evenly heated lasagna you’ve been dreaming about.
Makenzie Bryson Jackson, a food scientist, supports this off-center method. She refers to something known as ‘runaway heating,’ which describes why some areas get scalding hot while others remain tepid at best. According to Jackson, when the dish is placed on the edge and allowed to rotate fully, the microwaves can distribute more evenly, promoting consistent heating throughout your meal. But how much difference does this make? Jackson concedes that while the outcome may not be earth-shattering, it could indeed improve the heat distribution ‘slightly.’
All Microwaves Have Specific Hot Spots
Perhaps even more intriguing is Jackson’s suggestion for finding your microwave’s hot spots using marshmallows. By scattering them across a plate and cooking for just under a minute, those that puff up indicate where heat hits hardest, guiding where to place food for quicker warming.

Despite the science speaking in favor of this strategy, countless people were unaware of the hack. The shared epiphanies on social media highlight a combination of surprise and mild frustration at years of less-than-perfect reheat jobs. But with knowledge comes power– the power to say goodbye to unevenly heated meals in microwaves at least. So, if you want every bite of your next microwave endeavor nicely warmed through, forget center stage; it’s time to live life on the edge, quite literally. While it may require breaking old habits, this simple adjustment can make all the difference in enjoying consistently warm meals.